2. Transform the following numeric data concerning client ages into categories of young (under 40), middle-aged (40 to 60), and older (over 60). Put your answers in the Category column of the table below:

Client Age Category
Lois 46
Gene 53
Evelyn 36
Albert 39
Bill 18
Karen 61

Client Age Category

Lois 46 middle-aged
Gene 53 middle-aged
Evelyn 36 young
Albert 39 young
Bill 18 young
Karen 61 older

To categorize the client ages into young, middle-aged, and older categories, we can follow these steps:

1. Determine the age ranges for each category.
- Young: Under 40
- Middle-aged: 40 to 60
- Older: Over 60

2. Compare each client's age to the age ranges and assign the appropriate category.

Based on these guidelines, the categorized table is as follows:

Client | Age | Category
Lois | 46 | Middle-aged
Gene | 53 | Middle-aged
Evelyn | 36 | Young
Albert | 39 | Young
Bill | 18 | Young
Karen | 61 | Older

To categorize the client ages into young, middle-aged, and older categories, you need to compare each age to the given thresholds: under 40 for young, between 40 and 60 for middle-aged, and over 60 for older.

Here's how you can determine the category for each client:

1. Lois: Since Lois is 46 years old, her age falls within the range of 40 to 60, so she would be classified as middle-aged.

2. Gene: Gene is 53 years old, which also falls within the range of 40 to 60. Therefore, he would also be classified as middle-aged.

3. Evelyn: Evelyn is 36 years old, which is under 40. Hence, she would be categorized as young.

4. Albert: Albert's age is 39, which is under 40. Like Evelyn, he would be classified as young.

5. Bill: Bill is 18 years old, which is clearly under 40. Thus, he would be categorized as young.

6. Karen: Karen is 61 years old, which is above 60. As a result, she would be classified as older.

Here's the updated table with the category column filled in:

Client Age Category
Lois 46 Middle-aged
Gene 53 Middle-aged
Evelyn 36 Young
Albert 39 Young
Bill 18 Young
Karen 61 Older