I have to write a few paragraphs on the changes in the skills (both positive and negative) that enhance learning.

Now, I wrote a good bit on the positive changes such as improvement in the IT skills, communication, time management etc but what could be the examples of negative changes that enhance learning?

I don't know of any negative changes that enhance learning! The concept seems backwards.

However, there are many negative changes in students' lives that produce negatives in their learning. Is that what you mean?

exactly, it seems very confusing.

Well the question states : write a few paragraphs highlighting changes (both positive and negative) that enhance learning -- i missed that day at school but i was told the question is referring to the skills and i just don't know what to write there

I suppose a bad grade is a negative that will encourage the person to study harder.

Other punishments that may help are detentions, scoldings, loss of privileges, and shame.

When it comes to identifying negative changes that enhance learning, it is important to recognize that the term "negative" refers to aspects that may bring challenges or drawbacks to the learning process, rather than having a completely detrimental effect. Here are a few examples of negative changes that can still play a role in enhancing learning:

1. Distractions from technology: While technology can positively impact learning, excessive use of technology or improper management of distractions can hinder the learning process. For instance, spending excessive time on social media or playing video games can divert attention away from studying or critical thinking.

2. Information overload: With the advent of the internet and digital resources, learners now have vast amounts of information readily available. However, this abundance of information can sometimes lead to overwhelm, as learners may struggle to filter and discern relevant and accurate information from unreliable sources. This can hinder effective learning and critical analysis skills.

3. Reduced focus and attention span: The prevalence of instant gratification in today's digital age can lead to shorter attention spans and decreased focus. Constant exposure to multimedia platforms with quick and engaging content can make it more challenging for learners to concentrate and engage in deep learning.

4. Lack of face-to-face interaction: Technological advancements have provided virtual platforms for communication and collaboration, which can enhance learning in various ways. However, excessive reliance on virtual interactions can lead to a decline in face-to-face communication skills. This can reduce the opportunity for learners to develop and practice essential interpersonal and social skills necessary for effective communication and collaboration.

When discussing the negative changes that enhance learning, it is important to highlight the potential challenges or drawbacks, while also considering how learners can actively mitigate or overcome these obstacles to foster effective learning experiences.