I am answering all the questions in an exam from 2002 because these questions most likely will come up again. The question i don't know the answer to is, "In winter, people want to stop warm air getting out of their rooms. Give two examples of how this can be done." i hope this isn't a simple answer like keep the windows and doors shut or this would be a really stupid question.

search fo "winterizing"

stop drafts

To find the answer to this question, you can start by searching for information on "winterizing" or "keeping warm air inside rooms during winter." This will provide you with strategies and techniques commonly used to prevent warm air from escaping.

One example is insulation. Insulating your room or house can help reduce heat loss by providing a barrier to prevent warm air from escaping and cold air from entering. This can be done by insulating walls, roofs, floors, and even windows and doors.

Another example is stopping drafts. Drafts occur when cold air enters a room through small gaps or cracks around windows, doors, or other openings. By identifying and sealing these gaps, such as using weatherstripping or caulking, you can prevent warm air from escaping and reduce cold air infiltration.

By implementing these two strategies, insulation and sealing drafts, you can effectively keep warm air inside your rooms during winter.