In recent years,the ability of the family to promote a partisan identification has

A.stayed about the same.
B.declined,then risen.
E.demonstrated no recognizable pattern of change.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to review recent research or studies that have investigated the ability of families to promote a partisan identification. This question involves assessing societal trends, so it is important to rely on empirical evidence rather than personal opinions or assumptions.

One way to access this information is to review scholarly articles or academic publications that focus on the topic of political socialization and family influence. These studies often employ surveys, interviews, or other research methods to analyze the relationship between family dynamics and partisan identification.

Additionally, government reports, think tank publications, and reputable news sources can provide valuable insights into societal trends and changes in partisan identification. These sources often analyze data and examine various factors that can shape political affiliations within families and broader society.

By examining multiple sources and considering the findings and conclusions within these publications, it is possible to determine whether the ability of the family to promote a partisan identification has stayed the same, increased, or declined in recent years.