The price of a hair clip is .75 cents. The sales tax is 0.04 of the purchase price. How much is the sales tax on the hair clip?

.75 * .04 = ?

To calculate the sales tax on the hair clip, you need to multiply the purchase price of the hair clip by the sales tax rate.

Step 1: Convert the sales tax rate to a decimal.
The sales tax rate is given as 0.04, which is equivalent to 4% in percentage form. To convert it to decimal form, divide it by 100.
0.04 ÷ 100 = 0.0004

Step 2: Multiply the purchase price by the sales tax rate.
The purchase price of the hair clip is $0.75.
0.75 * 0.0004 = 0.0003

Hence, the sales tax on the hair clip is $0.0003.