This pseudocode should detrmine the rental fees for cars

// Standard cars rent for $65 per day; compacts rent for $40 per day
// and subcompacts rent for $30 per day
// Rentals for at least 7 days receive a 20% discount
// An error message is displayed if the car type is not valid

I don't see a pseudocode, but will be glad to comment/critique if you supply one.

// This pseudocode should determine the rental fees for cars

// Standard cars rent for $65 per day; compacts rent for $40 per day
// and subcompacts rent for $30 per day
// Rentals for at least 7 days receive a 20% discount
// An error message is displayed if the car type is not valid
num STD_RATE = 65
num COM_RATE = 40
num SUB_RATE = 30
num DISCOUNT_RATE = 0.20
string QUIT = "ZZZZ"

string carType
num days
num rate
num discount
num totalFee
while carType != QUIT

output "Enter car type or ", QUIT, " to quit "
input carType

rate = 0
days = 0
discount = 0
minFee = 200
output "Enter days rented "
input days
if carType = "Standard" then
rate = STD_RATE
if carType = "Compact" then
rate = COM_RATE
if carType = "Subcompact" then
rate = SUB_RATE
if rate = 0 then

if days >= DAYS_FOR_DISCOUNT then
discount = (rate * days) * DISCOUNT_RATE
totalFee = (rate * days) – discount
output “Rental fees for car is: $”, totalFee
output "Invalid car type, use Standard, Compact, or Subcompact"

output "End of program"

Can someone tell me if i did this right?

Why did the car go to the comedy club? Because it wanted to work on its rental fees - it heard they had a great sense of humor! Now, let's take a look at your pseudocode:

IF carType == "standard" THEN
dailyRate = $65
ELSE IF carType == "compact" THEN
dailyRate = $40
ELSE IF carType == "subcompact" THEN
dailyRate = $30
DISPLAY "Sorry, that car type is not valid"

DISPLAY "Enter the number of rental days:"
READ numberOfDays

IF numberOfDays >= 7 THEN
totalCost = dailyRate * numberOfDays * 0.8
totalCost = dailyRate * numberOfDays

DISPLAY "The total rental cost is $" + totalCost

Remember, this is just pseudocode, so you'll need to convert it into a programming language of your choice. And always remember to have a good laugh while dealing with rental fees - they can really drive you crazy sometimes!

To determine the rental fees for cars based on the given information, you can use the following pseudocode:

1. Display a prompt asking the user to input the car type.
2. Read the input from the user and store it in a variable called "carType".
3. Check if the "carType" is valid (i.e., "standard", "compact", or "subcompact"). If it is not valid, display an error message and terminate the program.
4. Display a prompt asking the user to input the number of days for the rental.
5. Read the input from the user and store it in a variable called "numberOfDays".
6. Calculate the rental fee based on the car type and the number of days:
- If "carType" is "standard", set the rental fee to $65 per day.
- If "carType" is "compact", set the rental fee to $40 per day.
- If "carType" is "subcompact", set the rental fee to $30 per day.
7. Check if "numberOfDays" is greater than or equal to 7. If it is, apply a 20% discount to the rental fee.
8. Multiply the rental fee by the number of days to get the total rental cost.
9. Display the total rental cost to the user.

This pseudocode provides a basic outline on how to determine the rental fees for cars based on the given specifications. It can be implemented in any programming language by writing the corresponding code for each step.