Jim's sandwich cost the same as the comjbined cost of his salad and milk. The sandwich cost three times as the milk. The salad cost $0.20 more than twice the cost of the milk. How much did Jim's lunch cost?

Sandwich = 3 milk

Salad = 2 milk + .20

3 milk = milk + 2 milk + .20

Milks cancel each other out, leaving the equation as unsolvable. Do you have any typos?

The answer is no solution, unless ur teacher says it has one. I had ethe same problem and its no solution. Hope this helps


To find out how much Jim's lunch cost, we need to set up equations based on the given information. Let's denote the cost of the sandwich as S, the cost of the salad as A, and the cost of the milk as M.

According to the first statement, the sandwich cost the same as the combined cost of the salad and milk:
S = A + M

According to the second statement, the sandwich cost three times as much as the milk:
S = 3M

According to the third statement, the salad cost $0.20 more than twice the cost of the milk:
A = 2M + $0.20

We now have a system of equations. To solve it, we can use substitution. Let's substitute the second equation into the first equation:

3M = A + M

Combining like terms, we have:

2M = A

Now we can substitute this result into the third equation:

A = 2M + $0.20

2M = 2M + $0.20

Subtracting 2M from both sides, we get:

0 = $0.20

This equation is not possible because it leads to a contradiction. Therefore, there is no solution within the given information.

It seems that there might be a mistake or missing information in the problem statement. Please double-check the information provided or consult the source to ensure accuracy.