to qualify for a certain car loan, a customer must have a credit score of at least 600. in addition, the cost of the car must be at least $5000. define variables, write a system of ineaqualities to represent this situation, and name one possible solution.

Let's define the variables:

C = Credit Score of the customer
P = Cost of the car

The system of inequalities representing this situation is:
C ≥ 600 (Credit score should be at least 600)
P ≥ $5000 (Cost of the car should be at least $5000)

One possible solution could be:
C = 650 (Credit score of 650)
P = $8000 (Cost of the car is $8000)

This satisfies both inequalities as the credit score (C) is greater than or equal to 600, and the cost of the car (P) is greater than or equal to $5000.

To define the variables, let's use:

x: Credit score
y: Cost of the car

Now, to represent the given situation as a system of inequalities:

1. The customer must have a credit score of at least 600, so the first inequality is:
x ≥ 600

2. The cost of the car must be at least $5000, so the second inequality is:
y ≥ $5000

A possible solution to this system could be:
x = 650 (credit score)
y = $8000 (cost of the car)

In this example, the customer has a credit score of 650, which is greater than the minimum required score of 600. Additionally, the cost of the car is $8000, which is higher than the minimum required amount of $5000. Hence, the customer would qualify for the car loan with these values.

s = score

c = cost

s >= 600
c >= 5000

In the absence of any other qualifiers, any pair (s,c) such as (650,8623) satisfies the conditions.

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