if you lived in the Mediterranean in a remote area...how will you keep your site clean and sanitary with no modern technology?

If you live in the Mediterranean, then you must be living in a sea.

If you live in a Mediterranean region, sand and water are probably your best natural sources to keep your site clean.

in our project the houses can't have doors Use screens or Apply pesticides

anything else? like how to prevent animals from your home?

Close the doors? Use screens? Apply pesticides?

you must keep food in sealed containers, clay pots with skins or cloth or leaves as a seal, with flat rocks on top. Many pests stay near the ground. many animals avoid strong smells. fences of small branches. local palm fronds and branches are very usefull.Woven mats can cover window and door holes.

Yes, those are some effective ways to prevent animals from entering your home in a remote Mediterranean area with no modern technology. Here are some additional methods you can consider:

1. Create barriers: Build fences using small branches or sticks to prevent animals from accessing your home. The fencing should be sturdy and high enough to deter animals from jumping over.

2. Use natural deterrents: Many animals are sensitive to strong smells. Consider using natural deterrents such as citrus peels, vinegar, or certain herbs to create barriers around your home. Scatter them around entrances and openings to repel animals.

3. Seal openings: Animals can enter through small cracks and holes. Inspect your home regularly and seal any openings with clay, mud, or branches to prevent animals from getting inside.

4. Utilize natural materials: Local palm fronds, branches, and woven mats can be used to cover window and door holes. They can serve as temporary barriers while still allowing airflow.

5. Keep a tidy environment: Dispose of waste properly and keep your surroundings clean. Remove any food scraps or leftovers that may attract animals. By maintaining a clean environment, you can reduce the chances of animals being drawn to your home.

Remember, it is important to be resourceful and adapt to the natural materials and resources available in your specific Mediterranean area. These practices will help you keep your site clean and limit the presence of animals without relying on modern technology.