What car did Henry Ford introduce in 1908? By 1927, 15 million had been manufactured

I got Model T Ford as an answer but Im not sure


What building was restored after 30 years of abandonment and opened as a museum on September 10, 1990?

I got Ellis Island


Henry Ford introduced the Ford Model T in 1908. It was a revolutionary automobile that played a significant role in popularizing cars and making them affordable for the masses.

To find this answer, you can perform a quick internet search using a search engine like Google. Simply type in "car introduced by Henry Ford in 1908" or a similar query, and you should see several relevant results. The top search results usually provide accurate information from reputable sources such as historical articles or automotive websites.

When examining the search results, look for information that specifically mentions Henry Ford and his car introduction in 1908. Reputable sources should provide detailed information about the car, including its name, significance, and impact on the automotive industry. Verify the information in multiple sources to ensure accuracy and to form a well-rounded understanding of the topic.