to qualify for a certain car loan, a customer must have a credit score of at least 600. in addition, the cost of the car must be at least $5000. define variables, write a system of ineaqualities to represent this situation, and name one possible solution.

c is greater than or equal to 5000

s is greater than or equal to 600

-1, -3

To represent this situation using variables and a system of inequalities, we can define two variables: "x" for the credit score and "y" for the cost of the car.

Let's write the system of inequalities:

1. The credit score must be at least 600, so we have:
x ≥ 600

2. The cost of the car must be at least $5000, so we have:
y ≥ $5000

Therefore, the system of inequalities representing this situation is:
x ≥ 600
y ≥ $5000

One possible solution that satisfies both conditions could be:
x = 650 (credit score)
y = $7,500 (cost of the car)