Which of the following statements about the Southern planter's world is most accurate?

A. The stereotype of the "southern belle" is fairly accurate.
B. Most great planters of the Old South were self-made men.
C. The wives and daughter of plantation owners lived lives of leisure.
[D. Most of the great planters were the sons of wealthy families.]
is my answer correct in the brackets

I agree.

Yes, your answer in the brackets is correct. Option D, "Most of the great planters were the sons of wealthy families," is the most accurate statement among the given options.

To arrive at this answer, you can approach it by ruling out the other options and analyzing the context of Southern planters during that time period.

Option A, "The stereotype of the 'southern belle' is fairly accurate," generalizes the lifestyle of Southern women, while the question specifically asks about the Southern planter's world. Therefore, this statement is not directly related to the topic and can be eliminated.

Option B, "Most great planters of the Old South were self-made men," suggests that the majority of wealthy planters in the South came from humble backgrounds and built their fortunes through hard work and perseverance. Although there were undoubtedly some self-made men among the planters, historical evidence indicates that many plantation owners inherited their land and wealth from previous generations. As a result, this statement is less accurate compared to option D.

Option C, "The wives and daughters of plantation owners lived lives of leisure," implies that the female family members of plantation owners had lives characterized by constant leisure and idleness. While it is true that wealthy Southern women had access to privileges and servants, they were also expected to manage the household and participate in social responsibilities. Therefore, this statement oversimplifies the reality of their lives, making option D a more accurate choice.

In conclusion, option D, "Most of the great planters were the sons of wealthy families," is the most accurate statement among the given options.