Explain how you would use front-end estimation to subtract 189 from 643.

640 - 190 = ?



how you would use front-end estimation to subtract 189 from 643 explain

i think it would be 990 or 1,000

estimate to sutract 189 from 643

To solve this subtraction problem using front-end estimation, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the place value you want to estimate to. In this case, let's estimate to the nearest ten.

Step 2: Look at the leftmost digit of each number. In this case, the leftmost digit of 643 is 6, and the leftmost digit of 189 is 1.

Step 3: Round down the leftmost digit of 643 to the nearest ten. The nearest ten to 6 is also 6.

Step 4: Subtract the rounded number from the original number. 643 - 6 = 637.

Note: At this point, we have eliminated the tens value, and we will now focus on the ones value. Remember to consider additional place values if necessary.

Step 5: Subtract the rounded tens value from the tens value of the second number, which is 8 - 1 = 7.

Step 6: Combine the results from steps 4 and 5. The result is 637 - 7 = 630.

Therefore, using front-end estimation to subtract 189 from 643, the estimated difference is 630.