Hello, I have been searching the web for any info on author James B Garfield, he wrote Follow My Leader. I have to create a book jacket for my lit circle group and info on the author is needed. I have checked every site and NOTHING!! Can you help???


You'll have to read more than just the blurb that shows up for each link in these search results. Dig deeper.

Keep in mind that there may not be much to find ... but keep digging to find out for yourself.

This site has a little information. I didn't find any more, perhaps because Garfield only wrote this one book.


Of course, I can help! It seems that you are having trouble finding information about the author James B. Garfield, who wrote the book "Follow My Leader." While it is possible that this author may not be well-known or have a significant online presence, I can guide you through a few steps to try and gather information about him.

1. Start by conducting a general internet search: Enter the author's name, book title, and any relevant keywords into a search engine like Google. This will help you explore a variety of online sources that could potentially contain information about James B. Garfield and his book.

2. Check Library Catalogs: Search online library catalogs such as WorldCat or your local library's database to see if there are any references to the book "Follow My Leader" by James B. Garfield. Library catalogs often provide details about the author, publication information, and sometimes additional resources or biographical information.

3. Utilize Online Book Retailers: Visit websites like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Goodreads and search for the book "Follow My Leader." These platforms usually provide author bios or brief descriptions of the author's background. Additionally, Goodreads often includes a section where users can ask questions about the book, and someone may have already asked about the author.

4. Check Social Media: Look for any social media profiles associated with James B. Garfield, such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Authors sometimes have a presence on these platforms where they may share information about their work or respond to inquiries.

5. Contact a Librarian: If your online searches have been unsuccessful, consider reaching out to a librarian at your school, local library, or university for assistance. Librarians are experienced in conducting research and can provide guidance or access to specialized databases that might contain information about James B. Garfield.

Remember that not every author has a significant online presence, especially if they are lesser-known or have written in the past when the internet was not as prominent. Nevertheless, by following these steps, you should be able to gather at least some basic information about the author and their book.