Which country lawyer from Ashtabula, Ohio, argued that criminals are not born, but are made by the unjust condition of human life

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The lawyer you are referring to is Clarence Darrow. He was known for his famous defense in the Scopes Monkey Trial and his advocacy for social justice. Darrow believed that criminals were not inherently bad people but were a product of their environment and the circumstances they faced in life. He argued that factors such as poverty, inequality, and lack of education could contribute to criminal behavior.

If you want to learn more about Clarence Darrow or any other historical figure, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search on a reliable search engine like Google or Bing. Enter the name "Clarence Darrow" in the search bar.
2. The search results will display various relevant websites, articles, and references related to Clarence Darrow. You can click on the links to explore further.
3. To gain a well-rounded understanding of Clarence Darrow's beliefs and arguments, look for reputable sources such as historical archives, scholarly articles, or biographical books.
4. You can also search for specific books or works by Clarence Darrow to delve deeper into his perspectives on criminal behavior and social justice.
5. Additionally, you may find documentaries, interviews, or lectures about Clarence Darrow that offer audiovisual content and provide more context.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy and reliability.