according to the buddha how can people escape worldly suffering


<<Escape from this cycle of existence, subject to suffering, lay not in doing karma but in karma nirodha, suppression of karmas. One way achieve this is by ...>>

According to the teachings of Buddhism, the Buddha identified the root cause of worldly suffering as attachments and desires. He explained that humans often experience suffering because they crave and cling to external things, which are impermanent and subject to change. To escape this suffering, the Buddha introduced the concept of the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of the following components:

1. Right View: Having a correct understanding of the nature of reality and the Four Noble Truths.
2. Right Intention: Cultivating wholesome and compassionate intentions.
3. Right Speech: Practicing truthful, kind, and beneficial communication.
4. Right Action: Engaging in ethical actions and behaviors.
5. Right Livelihood: Choosing a livelihood that aligns with moral principles.
6. Right Effort: Making a sincere effort to cultivate wholesome qualities and abandon unwholesome ones.
7. Right Mindfulness: Developing an awareness of the present moment, including one's thoughts, feelings, and actions.
8. Right Concentration: Cultivating deep states of meditation and focused mental absorption.

By following this path, individuals are encouraged to cultivate wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental discipline. Through dedicated practice, one can gradually reduce attachments, desires, and the causes of suffering. Thus, the escape from worldly suffering lies in understanding and transcending the cycle of craving and desire, rather than simply relying on the concept of karma, which is a broader concept related to the law of cause and effect in Buddhism.