If you had to describe the classic novel, Great Expections, by Charles Dickens, in one word, what would you describe it as?

What word would YOU use?

I'm looking for a word that means "teaching" because I think Great Expectations is all about learning and adapting to all different kinds of experiences and changes; it also has a very interesting and entertaining story plot. I'm trying to create a collage, and am having difficulty to which words I should use within the collage.

You've used some good adjectives.

I'd also suggest spooky, morbid, innocent.

This site may give you some other ideas.


To describe the classic novel "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens in one word, you could use the word "ambitious." This word captures the essence of the story as it follows the journey of the main character, Pip, who has big dreams and aspirations in life. However, if you want to decide on a word that adequately captures the essence of the novel, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the plot and themes.

To do this, you can start by reading a synopsis or summary of "Great Expectations." By understanding the basic outline of the story, you'll be able to comprehend the key events and characters. Additionally, it can be helpful to read reviews or critical analyses of the novel to gain further insight into its themes, messages, and style of writing.

Through this analysis, you may discover other words that could also describe the novel depending on your interpretation or perspective. Examples could include "transformative," "class-conscious," "redemption," or "coming-of-age." Exploring these different perspectives will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the novel, allowing you to effectively describe it in one word that best suits your interpretation.