Divide: (20b^(3)+17b^(2)+18b+43)÷(4b+5)

Given that 5 does not divide 43, will will have a remainder. Doing the long division, we get

5b^2 - 2b + 7 + 8/(4b+5)

Thank you.

Hope that helped. It's hard to show the work of long division when the browser does its own formatting of the text.

To divide the polynomial (20b^(3) + 17b^(2) + 18b + 43) by (4b + 5), you can use long division. Here's how:

Step 1: Start by dividing the highest degree term of the dividend (20b^(3)) by the highest degree term of the divisor (4b). The result of this step will be the first term of the quotient.


Step 2: Multiply the entire divisor, (4b + 5), by the first term of the quotient, 5b^(2).

5b^(2) * (4b + 5) = 20b^(3) + 25b^(2)

Step 3: Subtract the product obtained in the previous step from the dividend.

(20b^(3) + 17b^(2) + 18b + 43) - (20b^(3) + 25b^(2)) = -8b^(2) + 18b + 43

Step 4: Bring down the next term from the dividend. In this case, it is 18b.

-8b^(2) + 18b + 43

Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 with the new dividend.

Divide (-8b^(2)) by (4b) = -2b

Multiply (-2b) by (4b + 5) = -8b^(2) - 10b

Subtract the obtained product from the new dividend:
(-8b^(2) + 18b + 43) - (-8b^(2) - 10b) = 28b + 43

Step 6: Bring down the last term from the dividend. In this case, it is 43.

28b + 43

Step 7: Repeat steps 1-4 with the new dividend.

Divide (28b) by (4b) = 7

Multiply (7) by (4b + 5) = 28b + 35

Subtract the obtained product from the new dividend:
(28b + 43) - (28b + 35) = 8

Since the new dividend, 8, has a lower degree than the divisor (4b + 5), the division process is complete.

Therefore, the quotient of (20b^(3) + 17b^(2) + 18b + 43) divided by (4b + 5) is:

5b^(2) - 2b + 7, with a remainder of 8.