What art period was Vincent Van Gogh part of?

According to this article, VanGogh was a post impressionist.


To determine the art period that Vincent Van Gogh was part of, you can start by researching his artistic style and influences. One of the best sources of information is the Wikipedia page dedicated to Van Gogh, which provides a comprehensive overview of his life and work.

To find this information, you can perform a web search by typing "Vincent Van Gogh Wikipedia" into your preferred search engine. The Wikipedia page should appear near the top of the search results. Click on the link to access the page.

On the Wikipedia page, scroll down or use the table of contents to find the section related to Van Gogh's artistic period or style. In this case, the information you are looking for is located under the "Artistic style and works" section. In this section, you will find a description of Van Gogh's artistic style and the art movement he belonged to.

According to the Wikipedia page, Vincent Van Gogh was part of the post-impressionist art period. Post-Impressionism was a movement that developed in the late 19th century as a reaction against the limitations of Impressionism. Van Gogh, along with other artists like Paul Cézanne and Paul Gauguin, contributed significantly to this movement through their innovative use of color and brushwork.

In summary, Vincent Van Gogh was part of the post-impressionist art movement. You can find this information by researching his life and work on the Wikipedia page dedicated to him or by using other reputable sources for art history.