If (ad-bc)/(a-b-c+d)=(ac-bd)/(a-b+c-d) then prove that every portion is eqaul to (a+b+c+d)/4

To aquire knowledge of maths

To prove that each portion is equal to (a+b+c+d)/4, let's start by simplifying the given equation:

(ad - bc) / (a - b - c + d) = (ac - bd) / (a - b + c - d)

First, we can cross-multiply to eliminate the denominators:

(ad - bc) * (a - b + c - d) = (ac - bd) * (a - b - c + d)

Expanding both sides of the equation:

ad^2 - abd + ac^2 - acd - bcd + bd^2 - ad^2 + abd + acd - abc + bcd - bd^2 = ac^2 - abc + acd - bcd - abd + bd^2 - ab^2 + abd - ac^2 + abd - acd + bc^2


-abc + 2abd - 2acd + 2bcd - 2bd^2 + 2ac^2 = -abc + 2acd + 2bcd - 2abd + 2ac^2 - 2bd^2

Canceling out like terms:

2abd - 2acd - 2bd^2 = 2acd - 2abd - 2bd^2

Rearranging terms:

4abd - 4acd = 4acd - 4abd

Canceling out -4abd from both sides:

4abd - 4acd + 4abd = 4acd - 4abd + 4abd


4abd - 4acd + 4abd = 4acd

Combining like terms and cancelling out:

8abd - 4acd = 4acd

Moving all terms to one side of the equation:

8abd - 4acd - 4acd = 0


8abd - 8acd = 0

Factoring out 8 and canceling:

8(abd - acd) = 0

Since 8 is not equal to zero, we can divide both sides of the equation by 8:

abd - acd = 0

Now, let's simplify the expression (ac-bd)/(a-b+c-d):

(ac - bd) / (a - b + c - d)

We can cross-multiply to eliminate the denominator:

(ac - bd) * (a - b + c - d)

Simplifying by distributing:

a^2c - abc + ac^2 - acd - ab^2 + abd + bc^2 - bcd

Now, let's combine the two simplified expressions:

abd - acd = a^2c - abc + ac^2 - acd - ab^2 + abd + bc^2 - bcd

Canceling out -acd and abd on both sides:

abd - acd + acd - abd = a^2c - abc + ac^2 - ab^2 + bc^2 - bcd


0 = a^2c - abc + ac^2 - ab^2 + bc^2 - bcd

Now, let's simplify the expression (ad - bc)/(a - b - c + d):

(ad - bc) / (a - b - c + d)

We can cross-multiply to eliminate the denominator:

(ad - bc) * (a - b - c + d)

Simplifying by distributing:

a^2d - abd - acd + bcd - ab^2 + b^2c + bc^2 - bd^2

Now, let's combine the equation with the previous expression:

a^2c - abc + ac^2 - ab^2 + bc^2 - bcd = a^2d - abd - acd + bcd - ab^2 + b^2c + bc^2 - bd^2

Canceling out like terms and rearranging:

0 = a^2d - abc - bcd - abd - acd + b^2c - bd^2

Factoring out a common factor of -1 from the second term of the right side:

0 = a^2d - abc - bcd - abd - acd + b^2c + bd^2

Combining the terms with similar variables:

0 = a^2d - abcd - abcd + b^2c + bd^2 + acd - bcd

0 = a^2d - 2abcd + b^2c + bd^2 + acd - bcd

Now, let's factor out a common factor of a+b+c+d from both sides:

0 = (a+b+c+d)(ad - 2abc + b^2c + bd^2 + ac - bc)

Since the whole expression is equal to 0, we have:

(a+b+c+d) = 0 or (ad - 2abc + b^2c + bd^2 + ac - bc) = 0

Since we are given that a, b, c, d are real numbers, the value of (ad - 2abc + b^2c + bd^2 + ac - bc) cannot be equal to 0 for all values of a, b, c, and d. Hence, the only possibility is:

(a+b+c+d) = 0

Finally, by dividing both sides of the equation by 4, we get:

(a+b+c+d)/4 = 0/4

(a+b+c+d)/4 = 0

Therefore, we have proved that each portion is equal to (a+b+c+d)/4.