if you combine 2 compounds together will you make a mixture? Such as salt and water.

Not always. Some compounds react with each other to form other compounds. Salt dissolves in water to form a solution which is defined as a homogeneous mixture. However, salt is a compound and water is a compound. Since these don't react to form another compound, this is a physical change.

thank you but what about soil and water or sugar and water? would hey be mixture too?


Yes, when you combine two or more compounds together, you will typically create a mixture. A mixture is a material composed of two or more substances that are physically combined, but not chemically bonded. In the case of salt and water, when you dissolve salt in water, you create a homogeneous mixture called a solution.

To understand why combining salt and water creates a mixture instead of a new compound, it's important to distinguish between mixtures and compounds. Compounds are substances formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements, resulting in entirely new chemical properties. Mixtures, on the other hand, are combinations of substances that retain their individual properties and can be separated physically.

To create a saltwater solution, you can follow these steps:

1. Take a beaker or a container.
2. Measure a desired amount of water.
3. Pour the water into the beaker.
4. Gradually add salt to the water while stirring continuously.
5. Keep adding salt until it is fully dissolved. The salt will no longer be visible.
6. Once the salt is completely dissolved, you have a saltwater solution.

At this point, it is important to note that although salt is dissolved in water to form a mixture, it does not chemically react with water, and both salt and water retain their individual properties within the solution. You can still separate them through physical means like evaporation, where the water can be evaporated, leaving the salt behind.