hi, i just need to know how to pronounce the last name of Sean Covey, author of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens." Why, you may ask? well, i am giving a presentation on the book tomorrow and need to know how to pronounce "Covey" correctly so as not to embarrass myself... thank you

Coh vay

i notice that you are not one of the live experts...so, i just want to know if you are 100% sure, and how did you know that? it just doesn't sound right to me. can i get more feedback from others? that would be greatly appreciated. and thank you for the help

you could try to look on dictionary website

if you don't believe me

but it's a name, though. it wouldn't be in a dictionary, would it? i don't mean to sound annoying, but i really need to get my facts straight

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. It is an Irish surname and if it's pronounced like the noun: Main Entry: cov·ey

Pronunciation: 'k&-vE
Function: noun

Or, as you have above: Shawn Coe-vay

Hello! I can help you with that. To find out how to pronounce Sean Covey's last name correctly, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for Sean Covey's name on the internet.
2. Look for interviews, videos, or podcasts where Sean Covey speaks or is introduced. This will help you find a reliable source for the correct pronunciation.
3. Pay attention to how the name is pronounced by Sean Covey himself or by reputable sources.
4. Listen carefully to the pronunciation of the last name, noting any specific sounds or emphasis.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to audio, so I can't provide a specific pronunciation for Sean Covey's last name. However, by following these steps, you should be able to find an accurate and reliable pronunciation to avoid any embarrassment during your presentation. Good luck!