Are these right ?

7. Which major muscles are used in your arm when you pick up a bowling ball and throw it down a bowling lane? Name 4.
1. Pectoralis 2. Trapezius 3. Deltoid muscle 4. Triceps
8. Which muscles in the legs are used to do a jumping jack (where you jump quickly moving your legs out to the sides, and then bring them back to center again)? Name 2.
1. Soleus 2. Gluteus maximus
9. Which muscles would a swimmer use a lot to pull his arms back toward the trunk of his body during each swimming stroke? Name 1.
1. Trapezius

All i know is that 9 is wrong.

a) Deltoid muscles.
Happy to help 2 years later.

7. The major muscles used in your arm when you pick up a bowling ball and throw it down a bowling lane are as follows:

- Pectoralis major: This muscle is located in the chest and is responsible for movement and stability of the shoulder joint.
- Trapezius: This muscle covers the upper back and is involved in shoulder movement and stability.
- Deltoid muscle: The deltoid is a large muscle that covers the shoulder and is responsible for various movements of the upper arm.
- Triceps brachii: Located on the back of the upper arm, the triceps brachii is responsible for extending the elbow joint.

8. The muscles in the legs used to perform a jumping jack, where you jump quickly moving your legs out to the sides and bring them back to the center again, are primarily:

- Quadriceps femoris: The quadriceps, located in the front of the thigh, are a group of four muscles responsible for extending the knee joint.
- Gluteus medius: Although the gluteus maximus is also involved, the gluteus medius, located in the buttocks, helps stabilize the hip joint during the movement.

9. A swimmer would primarily rely on the latissimus dorsi muscle (lats) to pull their arms back toward the trunk of their body during each swimming stroke. The latissimus dorsi is a large muscle located in the back that helps with adduction, extension, and rotation of the shoulder joint. It plays a crucial role in generating the pulling force required for swimming strokes.

While the muscle groups you have mentioned in your answers are involved in the movements described, some of the specific muscles may not be entirely accurate for the given actions. Here are the correct answers:

7. When picking up a bowling ball and throwing it down a bowling lane, the major muscles used in the arm include:

- Biceps brachii: This muscle is located at the front of the upper arm and is responsible for bending the elbow.
- Brachialis: Found underneath the biceps, this muscle also aids in elbow flexion.
- Brachioradialis: Located in the forearm, it assists in bending the elbow.
- Pronator teres: This muscle, also in the forearm, helps in forearm pronation (turning the forearm downward).

So the correct answer for question 7 would be: Biceps brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis, and Pronator teres.

8. The muscles used to perform a jumping jack with legs out to the sides and back to the center are:

- Quadriceps femoris: Located at the front of the thigh, this muscle group extends the knee.
- Adductor muscles (adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus): These muscles are situated on the inner side of the thigh and bring the legs back together.

Therefore, the correct answer for question 8 would be: Quadriceps femoris and Adductor muscles.

9. During each swimming stroke, a swimmer primarily relies on several muscles in the upper body, including the back and arms. However, the trapezius muscle is not specifically involved in pulling the arms back toward the trunk of the body. The main muscle used in this action is the:

- Latissimus dorsi: This large muscle spans across the back and is responsible for the pulling motion of the arm toward the trunk during swimming.

So the correct answer for question 9 is: Latissimus dorsi.