2. In a filing system containing a total of 15,200 records, 85 are identified as misfiles. What is the filing accuracy rate for this area? Round to the second decimal point and show your work

(15,200-85)/15,200 = ?


To calculate the filing accuracy rate, we need to divide the number of correctly filed records by the total number of records and then multiply the result by 100 to get a percentage.

First, we need to find the number of correctly filed records. To do this, we subtract the number of misfiled records from the total number of records:

Correctly filed records = Total records - Misfiled records
Correctly filed records = 15,200 - 85
Correctly filed records = 15,115

Now, we can calculate the filing accuracy rate by dividing the correctly filed records by the total records:

Filing accuracy rate = (Correctly filed records / Total records) * 100
Filing accuracy rate = (15,115 / 15,200) * 100

To round the accuracy rate to the second decimal point, we can use the following formula:

Rounded accuracy rate = round(accuracy rate, 2)
Rounded accuracy rate = round((15,115 / 15,200) * 100, 2)

By plugging this into a calculator or performing the calculation manually, we get:

Rounded accuracy rate = round(99.44, 2)
Rounded accuracy rate = 99.44

Therefore, the filing accuracy rate for this area is 99.44%.