26. When someone is choking you need to perform chest compressions.


28. Bicyclists have their own set of traffic rules.

31. The female reproductive cell is called an egg.

34. If the egg is not fertilized, then conception occurs.

These 2 have me especially confused:

35. The union of the sperm and the egg is called sexual intercourse.

41. The process by which a sperm, an egg, and their genetic material join to create a new human life is called sexual intercourse.

Wouldn't both of these be considered sexual intercourse? so true?


41. Isn't that conception?


So 41 is false and 35 is true?


No, 35 is the same as 41.


26. When someone is choking you need to perform chest compressions. - False

Choking requires a different technique called the Heimlich maneuver. To help someone who is choking, you should stand behind them, make a fist with one hand, and place it just above their navel. Then, grasp your fist with your other hand and forcefully thrust inward and upward several times until the blockage is dislodged.

28. Bicyclists have their own set of traffic rules. - True

Bicyclists are considered vehicles and are subject to traffic laws. However, there may be specific rules and regulations that pertain to bicyclists in different jurisdictions. It is important for both bicyclists and motorists to be aware of these rules to promote safety on the road.

31. The female reproductive cell is called an egg. - True

The female reproductive cell is indeed called an egg, or scientifically known as an ovum. This cell is released from the ovary during ovulation and is necessary for fertilization by a sperm to achieve pregnancy.

34. If the egg is not fertilized, then conception occurs. - False

Conception refers to the moment when the sperm fertilizes the egg. If the egg is not fertilized, it does not lead to conception. Instead, it typically disintegrates and is shed during menstruation.

35. The union of the sperm and the egg is called sexual intercourse. - False

Sexual intercourse refers to the physical act of sexual activity between two individuals involving the penetration of the by the . The union of sperm and egg occurs during fertilization, which usually takes place in the fallopian tubes. Therefore, sexual intercourse can potentially lead to fertilization, but they are not the same concept.

41. The process by which a sperm, an egg, and their genetic material join to create a new human life is called sexual intercourse. - False

The process described in statement 41 is actually called fertilization. Sexual intercourse is the activity that brings the sperm and egg together, while fertilization refers to the specific event where the sperm penetrates the egg, resulting in the fusion of their genetic material.

In summary, statements 26, 34, 35, and 41 are false. Statements 28 and 31 are true.