Kelly B. Roach

Single, 1 Allowance $415/week
Deduction for 401(k) plan 50/week
Annual Taxes Withheld
1,337.96 Social Security tax withheld
313.04 Medicare tax withheld
662.48 State Income tax withheld
928.20 Local Income tax withheld
Ralph Volpe
Married, 1 Allowance 485/week
Dependent Care payment $950, 401(k) plan 70/week
Annual Taxes Withheld
1563.64 Social Security tax withheld
365.56 Medicare tax withheld
774.28 State Income tax withheld
1084.72 Local Income tax withheld
Randi Myer
Single, 0 allowances, 365/week
Union Dues withheld $102
Annual Taxes Withheld
1176.76 Social Security tax withheld
275.08 Medicare tax withheld
582.92 State Income tax withheld
816.40 Local Income tax withheld
Kenneth Ford
Married, 7 Allowances, 1350/week
Cost of group term life insurance exeeding $50,000: $262.75
No Income tax withheld on insurance cost, but FICA taxes are withheld
401(k) plan 100/week
Chrissy Carmen
Married, 2 Allowances, 320/week
Advanced EIC payments 16/week
Union dues withheld 102
Annual Taxes Withheld
1031.68 Social Security tax withheld
241.28 Medicare tax withheld
510.64 State Income tax withheld
715.52 Local Income tax withheld
Hal Zuber
Single, 1 Allowance, 390/week
Educational assistance payments(job required) $675
401(k) plan 50/week
Annual Taxes Withheld
1257.36 Social Security tax withheld
294.32 Medicare tax withheld
622.44 State Income tax withheld
872.04 Local Income tax withheld
Form W-2 Information Roach, Kelly Volpe, Ralph Myer, Randi Ford, Kenneth Carmen, Chrissy Zuber, Hal

1. Wages, tips, other compensation
2. Federal income tax withheld
3. Social security wages
4. Social security taxes withheld
5. Medicare wages and tips
6. Medicare tax withheld
7. Social security tips
8. Allocated tips
9. Advance EIC payment
10. Dependent care benefits
11. Nonqualified plans
12a - 12c: See reference guide
13. Indicate correct boxes
14. Other
16. State wages, tips, etc.
17. State income tax
18. Local wages, tips, etc.
19. Local income tax

Form W-3 Information Provide amounts for the following fields:

1. Wages, tips, and other compensation $
2. Federal income tax withheld $
3. Social security wages $
4. Social security wages withheld $
5. Medicare wages and tips $
6. Medicare tax withheld $
7. Social security tips $
8. Allocated tips $
9. Advance EIC payments $
10. Dependent care benefits $
11. Nonqualified plans $
12. Deferred compensation $
16. State wages, tips, etc $
17. State income tax $
18. Local wages, tips, etc. $
19. Local income tax $

To calculate the values for the provided fields on the Form W-2 and Form W-3, you need to add up the relevant values from the given information.

Form W-2 Information:
1. Wages, tips, other compensation: This is the total income earned by the employee. To calculate, add the weekly wages for each employee:
- For Kelly Roach: $415/week
- For Ralph Volpe: $485/week
- For Randi Myer: $365/week
- For Kenneth Ford: $1350/week
- For Chrissy Carmen: $320/week
- For Hal Zuber: $390/week

2. Federal income tax withheld: This is the total amount of federal income tax withheld from the employee's wages. Add the values for each employee:
- For Kelly Roach: Not provided
- For Ralph Volpe: Not provided
- For Randi Myer: Not provided
- For Kenneth Ford: Not provided
- For Chrissy Carmen: Not provided
- For Hal Zuber: Not provided

3. Social security wages: This is the total wages subject to Social Security tax. This is the same as the wages mentioned in field 1.

4. Social security taxes withheld: This is the total amount of Social Security tax withheld from the employee's wages. Add the values for each employee:
- For Kelly Roach: $1337.96
- For Ralph Volpe: $1563.64
- For Randi Myer: $1176.76
- For Kenneth Ford: Not provided
- For Chrissy Carmen: $1031.68
- For Hal Zuber: $1257.36

5. Medicare wages and tips: This is the total wages subject to Medicare tax. This is the same as the wages mentioned in field 1.

6. Medicare tax withheld: This is the total amount of Medicare tax withheld from the employee's wages. Add the values for each employee:
- For Kelly Roach: $313.04
- For Ralph Volpe: $365.56
- For Randi Myer: $275.08
- For Kenneth Ford: Not provided
- For Chrissy Carmen: $241.28
- For Hal Zuber: $294.32

7. Social security tips: This is not provided for any of the employees.

8. Allocated tips: This is not provided for any of the employees.

9. Advance EIC payment: This is the total amount of advanced Earned Income Credit (EIC) payments received by the employee. Add the values for each employee:
- For Kelly Roach: Not provided
- For Ralph Volpe: Not provided
- For Randi Myer: Not provided
- For Kenneth Ford: Not provided
- For Chrissy Carmen: $16/week
- For Hal Zuber: Not provided

10. Dependent care benefits: This is the total amount of dependent care benefits received by the employee. Add the values for each employee:
- For Kelly Roach: Not provided
- For Ralph Volpe: $950
- For Randi Myer: Not provided
- For Kenneth Ford: Not provided
- For Chrissy Carmen: Not provided
- For Hal Zuber: Not provided

11. Nonqualified plans: This is not provided for any of the employees.

12a - 12c: Not enough information is provided to calculate these fields.

13. Indicate correct boxes: Not enough information is provided to determine the correct boxes.

14. Other: This is not provided for any of the employees.

16. State wages, tips, etc.: This is the total wages subject to state income tax. This is the same as the wages mentioned in field 1.

17. State income tax: This is the total amount of state income tax withheld from the employee's wages. Add the values for each employee:
- For Kelly Roach: $662.48
- For Ralph Volpe: $774.28
- For Randi Myer: $582.92
- For Kenneth Ford: Not provided
- For Chrissy Carmen: $510.64
- For Hal Zuber: $622.44

18. Local wages, tips, etc.: This is the total wages subject to local income tax. This is the same as the wages mentioned in field 1.

19. Local income tax: This is the total amount of local income tax withheld from the employee's wages. Add the values for each employee:
- For Kelly Roach: $928.20
- For Ralph Volpe: $1084.72
- For Randi Myer: $816.40
- For Kenneth Ford: Not provided
- For Chrissy Carmen: $715.52
- For Hal Zuber: $872.04

Form W-3 Information:
1. Wages, tips, and other compensation: This is the total income earned by all employees. Add the values calculated for field 1 in the Form W-2 information for each employee.

2. Federal income tax withheld: This is the total amount of federal income tax withheld from all employees. Add the values calculated for field 2 in the Form W-2 information for each employee.

3. Social security wages: This is the total wages subject to Social Security tax. This is the same as the wages mentioned in field 1.

4. Social security wages withheld: This is the total amount of Social Security tax withheld from all employees. Add the values calculated for field 4 in the Form W-2 information for each employee.

5. Medicare wages and tips: This is the total wages subject to Medicare tax. This is the same as the wages mentioned in field 1.

6. Medicare tax withheld: This is the total amount of Medicare tax withheld from all employees. Add the values calculated for field 6 in the Form W-2 information for each employee.

7. Social security tips, 8. Allocated tips, 9. Advance EIC payments, 10. Dependent care benefits, 11. Nonqualified plans, 12. Deferred compensation: These fields are not provided for any of the employees, so no values can be entered.

16. State wages, tips, etc.: This is the total wages subject to state income tax. This is the same as the wages mentioned in field 1.

17. State income tax: This is the total amount of state income tax withheld from all employees. Add the values calculated for field 17 in the Form W-2 information for each employee.

18. Local wages, tips, etc.: This is the total wages subject to local income tax. This is the same as the wages mentioned in field 1.

19. Local income tax: This is the total amount of local income tax withheld from all employees. Add the values calculated for field 19 in the Form W-2 information for each employee.