if two polygons are similar,how can you find the scale factor from one polygon to the other?show specific examples.describe how you find the scale factor from the smaller figure to the enlarged figure.then,describe how you find the scale factor from the larger figure to the smaller figure.

Take the ratio of corresponding sides of the two polygons. That it the scale factor.

thank u

if the scale factors are twice the size on each end. i don't know.

If two polygons are similar, how can you find the scale factor fron one polygon to the other?

To find the scale factor from one polygon to another, you need to compare the corresponding sides of the polygons. The scale factor is the ratio of the lengths of the corresponding sides.

For example, let's say we have two similar polygons: Polygon A and Polygon B. To find the scale factor from Polygon A to Polygon B, we compare the lengths of corresponding sides. Let's say that side AB in Polygon A is 6 units long, and the corresponding side in Polygon B is 9 units long. The scale factor from Polygon A to Polygon B would be 9/6 or 1.5.

So, to find the scale factor, you need to identify corresponding sides in the two polygons and calculate the ratio of their lengths. This will give you the scale factor from the smaller figure to the larger figure.

Now, let's discuss how to find the scale factor from the larger figure to the smaller figure. In this case, you'll need to take the reciprocal of the scale factor obtained from the smaller figure to the larger figure.

For example, if the scale factor from the smaller figure to the larger figure is 1.5, then the scale factor from the larger figure to the smaller figure would be its reciprocal, which is 1/1.5 or 2/3.

To summarize, to find the scale factor from one polygon to another, you compare the corresponding sides and calculate the ratio of their lengths. If you have the scale factor from the smaller figure to the larger figure, you can find the scale factor from the larger figure to the smaller figure by taking the reciprocal of the scale factor.