In psychology, the study of personality focuses on:

external factors.
learned factors

Stable aspects of the person's beliefs, emotions and actions.

In psychology, the study of personality focuses on various aspects related to individual differences and individual traits that make up a person's unique psychological makeup. When it comes to understanding personality, there are different perspectives and approaches that psychologists use.

Change: One aspect of studying personality is to examine how individuals may change over time. This focuses on understanding how personality traits can be influenced by various life experiences, events, and personal growth. Researchers may study how certain experiences or interventions can lead to changes in an individual's personality.

Stability: Another aspect of studying personality is to understand the stability of individual differences. This pertains to investigating whether personality traits remain relatively consistent and enduring across different situations and over time. Psychologists are interested in determining the extent to which personality traits demonstrate stability from childhood through adulthood.

External Factors: Personality researchers also consider how external factors can influence personality. These factors include the influence of culture, society, and social interactions on shaping individual personality traits. Examining how environmental factors impact personality helps to provide a broader understanding of how personality develops and is expressed.

Learned Factors: The study of personality also involves examining learned factors. This includes investigating how personality traits can be influenced by learning experiences and socialization processes. Factors such as family upbringing, education, and social interactions can shape individuals' personality traits and behaviors.

In summary, the study of personality in psychology encompasses understanding both stability and change in individual differences, considering the influence of external factors, and recognizing the role of learned factors in shaping an individual's unique psychological makeup. Researchers use various methods and approaches, including self-report questionnaires, interviews, and observational techniques, to study and understand personality.