I had to tell what body part hurts after doing the following activity

1.watching too much television
Me duelen los ojos.
2.Eat too much candy Me duele el estomago.
3. drank too much after I ran Me duelen las piernas y pies y el estomago.
4. I walked ten miles Me duelen las piernas y los pies
5.Lifted weights Me duelen los brazos.


3. piernas= legs, pies= feet, and stomach
4. legs and feet
5. brazos= arms

I think I was suppose to put "A mí" in front of each of the me duele/me duelen responses or isn't it required?

Thank you

2. estómago must have accent mark

3. also here = estómago


To determine which body part hurts after each activity, you can consider the following information:

1. Watching too much television: In this case, your eyes may be strained or tired from prolonged exposure to the screen. Therefore, you may experience eye pain. (Me duelen los ojos.)

2. Eating too much candy: Consuming excessive amounts of candy can lead to stomachache or discomfort. So, you may feel pain in your stomach. (Me duele el estómago.)

3. Drinking too much after running: If you drink too much alcohol after running, you might experience pain in multiple areas. Running can cause muscle soreness in the legs and feet (Me duelen las piernas y pies), and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to stomach discomfort (Me duele el estómago).

4. Walking ten miles: After walking a long distance, it's common to feel muscle fatigue and soreness in the legs and feet due to the exertion. So, you may experience pain in those areas. (Me duelen las piernas y los pies.)

5. Lifting weights: When you engage in weightlifting exercises, the muscles in your arms are subject to strain and micro-tears. Consequently, you may feel pain in your arms. (Me duelen los brazos.)

Remember, when answering this question, it's essential to consider the most likely body parts to experience discomfort or pain based on the specific activities mentioned.