What argument does frank use to persuade artie not to back out of the evening?

What are you referring to? Frank? Artie??

To determine the argument that Frank uses to persuade Artie not to back out of the evening, we need to analyze the given context or source of information, such as a conversation, text, or any other relevant details. As an AI text-based model, I do not have access to specific context or prior knowledge.

However, I can give you an example of a possible argument that Frank could present to persuade Artie not to back out of the evening:

1. Frank could emphasize the importance of their prior commitment: Frank might remind Artie that they had planned this evening together and assure him that it would be a great opportunity to spend quality time together.

2. Frank could highlight the effort and planning involved: Frank might explain to Artie that canceling or backing out now would be inconvenient for both of them and potentially disappointing for others who may have been looking forward to this event.

3. Frank could appeal to Artie's interests: Frank might discuss how much Artie had expressed interest or excitement about the evening, and how it aligns with Artie's hobbies, preferences, or desires.

4. Frank could stress the value of their friendship: Frank might remind Artie of the strong bond they share and how their time together is meaningful. He might express his disappointment and sadness if Artie chooses to back out.

5. Frank could offer a compromise or discuss alternatives: If Artie was hesitant due to specific reasons or conflicts, Frank might suggest finding a solution that accommodates both their needs, such as rescheduling or modifying their plans.

Remember, without specific context, this example argument is hypothetical, and the actual argument used by Frank to persuade Artie may differ.