No one knew the answer to the riddle posted on the Web site. tell me which word is the pronoun.

"No one knew the answer to the riddle posted on the Web site."

One is the pronoun

In the given sentence, the pronoun is "one."

To determine which word is the pronoun in a sentence or riddle, you will need to understand what a pronoun is. A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun in a sentence.

In the given context, "No one" is the phrase that refers to a group of people. However, it is not a pronoun.

To identify pronouns in a sentence, you should look for words such as he, she, it, they, we, you, I, me, him, her, etc. These words are often used in place of nouns to avoid repetition.

Since the riddle's sentence or context is not provided, I am unable to specifically point out the pronoun in this particular circumstance. However, if you provide the riddle or a specific sentence, I will gladly help you identify the pronoun within it.