can you please let me know if these are correct:

1. 5 5/6 x 2 4/5 = 16

2. 2/3 divided 3/5 = 1 1/9 or 2/5?

3. 7/12 divided 2/3 = 7/8

4. 3 1/2 divided 3/4 = 4 2/3 or 2 5/7

5. 4 2/3 divided 7 = 2/3

6. 4 1/5 divided 1 2/5 = 3

7. 2/5 x 5/14 = 1//7

8. 2/3 + 1/7 = 17/21 OR 12/21

1) I get 16 1/3

2) Wrong.

3) 4 2/3 is correct.

5) Right

6) Right

7) Right

8) 17/21

1. 5 5/6 x 2 4/5 = 16

35/6 x 14/5= 49/3 = 16 1/3

2. 2/3 divided 3/5 = 1 1/9 or 2/5?

2/3 x 5/3 = 10/9 = 1 1/9

3. 7/12 divided 2/3 = 7/8
7/12 x 3/2 = 21/24 = 7/8

4. 3 1/2 divided 3/4 = 4 2/3 or 2 5/7
7/2 x 4/3 = 28/6 = 4 2/3

5. 4 2/3 divided 7 = 2/3
14/3 x 1/7 = 14/21 = 2/3

6. 4 1/5 divided 1 2/5 = 3
21/5 x 5/7 = 105/35 = 3

7. 2/5 x 5/14 = 1//7
10/70 = 1/7

8. 2/3 + 1/7 = 17/21 OR 12/21

14/21 + 3/21 = 17/21

1. To multiply mixed numbers, you need to convert them to improper fractions first. Here's how you can do it:

5 5/6 = (6 × 5 + 5) / 6 = 35/6
2 4/5 = (5 × 2 + 4) / 5 = 14/5

Now, to multiply these fractions, you can simply multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators:

(35/6) × (14/5) = (35 × 14) / (6 × 5) = 490/30

To simplify the result, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 10:

490/30 = (49/3) ÷ (3/3) = 49/3

So the answer should be 49/3, not 16.

2. To divide fractions, you need to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. Here's how you can do it:

2/3 ÷ 3/5 = 2/3 × 5/3

Multiply the numerators and denominators:

(2 × 5) / (3 × 3) = 10/9

The answer should be 10/9, not 1 1/9 or 2/5.

3. To divide fractions, follow the same steps as in the previous example:

7/12 ÷ 2/3 = 7/12 × 3/2

Multiply the numerators and denominators:

(7 × 3) / (12 × 2) = 21/24

To simplify the fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3:

21/24 = (7/8) ÷ (8/8) = 7/8

So the answer is 7/8.

4. To divide mixed numbers, convert them to improper fractions:

3 1/2 = (2 × 3 + 1) / 2 = 7/2
3/4 = 3/4

Now divide the fractions:

(7/2) ÷ (3/4) = (7/2) × (4/3)

Multiply the numerators and denominators:

(7 × 4) / (2 × 3) = 28/6

To simplify the fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2:

28/6 = (14/3) ÷ (6/6) = 14/3

The answer should be 14/3, not 4 2/3 or 2 5/7.

5. To divide a mixed number by a whole number, convert the mixed number to an improper fraction:

4 2/3 = (3 × 4 + 2) / 3 = 14/3

Now, divide the fractions:

(14/3) ÷ 7 = 14/3 × 1/7

Multiply the numerators and denominators:

(14 × 1) / (3 × 7) = 14/21

The answer is 14/21, which can be further simplified as 2/3.

6. To divide mixed numbers, convert them to improper fractions:

4 1/5 = (5 × 4 + 1) / 5 = 21/5
1 2/5 = (5 × 1 + 2) / 5 = 7/5

Now, divide the fractions:

(21/5) ÷ (7/5) = 21/5 × 5/7

Multiply the numerators and denominators:

(21 × 5) / (5 × 7) = 105/35

To simplify the fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 35:

105/35 = (3/1) ÷ (35/35) = 3

So the answer is 3.

7. To multiply fractions, simply multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators:

2/5 × 5/14 = (2 × 5) / (5 × 14) = 10/70

To simplify the fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 10:

10/70 = (1/7) ÷ (7/7) = 1/7

So the correct answer is 1/7, not 1//7.

8. To add fractions, you need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 21:

2/3 + 1/7 = (2/3) × (7/7) + (1/7) × (3/3) = 14/21 + 3/21 = 17/21

So the correct answer is 17/21.