Using our data set from Unit 1, compose a 3-page e-mail to the head of the American Intellectual Union, which includes the following:

1.Begin your e-mail to AIU by first providing an overview of the database, that is, a story about the characteristics that may include types of variables, etc.
2.Be sure to include information about where statistics are being used in the workplace.
3.Explain the value of statistics and its contribution to the success of an organization.
4.Then, discuss the following in your e-mail:
◦What is the distribution of individuals by gender?
◦What is the "tenure with company" distribution by gender?
◦What percentage of the survey participants are in each department?
◦What is the sample mean for extrinsic value by gender?
◦What is the probability that an individual will be between 16–21 years of age?
◦What is the probability that an individual’s overall job satisfaction is 5.2 or lower?
◦What is the probability that an individual will be a female in the human resources department?
◦What is the probability that an individual will be a salaried employee whose intrinsic satisfaction value is 5 or more?

We have no access to your data set.

what is the sample mean for extrinsic value by gender

Subject: Insights from our Data Set: Contribution of Statistics to Organizational Success

Dear [Head of the American Intellectual Union],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to provide you with an overview of our database and highlight the importance of statistics in our organization's success. Additionally, I will address several key questions regarding the distribution of individuals by gender, tenure with the company, departmental composition, extrinsic value by gender, age probabilities, job satisfaction probabilities, and gender probabilities within the human resources department.

Our database comprises a comprehensive set of variables that capture various characteristics of our workforce. These variables encompass both qualitative and quantitative aspects, allowing us to gain valuable insights into correlations, trends, and patterns within our organization. They include demographic information such as gender, age, and department, as well as variables related to job satisfaction, tenure with the company, and intrinsic or extrinsic values.

Using statistics in the workplace is vital for making informed decisions. Whether it is analyzing employee satisfaction surveys, identifying areas for improvement, or monitoring the effectiveness of organizational policies, statistics enable us to extract meaningful insights from the data. By employing statistical techniques, we can identify and address various issues related to employee engagement, productivity, and overall satisfaction.

Now, let's delve into the specific questions you raised:

1. Distribution of Individuals by Gender:
To determine the distribution of individuals by gender, we can calculate the number or percentage of individuals belonging to each gender category. This will help us understand the gender composition and identify any gender imbalances within our organization.

2. Tenure with Company Distribution by Gender:
By analyzing and comparing the tenure distributions of males and females, we can gain insights into the length of time individuals have spent with our company. This analysis can be crucial in identifying any potential gender-related discrepancies in promotions, career development, or turnover rates.

3. Percentage of Survey Participants in Each Department:
To determine the percentage of survey participants in each department, we can calculate the proportion of individuals belonging to each department. This information will shed light on the representation of different departments within our organization and support decision-making processes related to resource allocation and department-level strategies.

4. Sample Mean for Extrinsic Value by Gender:
Analyzing extrinsic value by gender allows us to understand whether there are any gender-based variations in the importance employees place on external rewards such as salary and benefits. Calculating the sample mean for extrinsic value among males and females enables us to compare the average values and assess any differences.

5. Probability of Being Between 16-21 Years of Age:
To determine the probability of an individual falling between the age range of 16-21 years, we can analyze the age distribution of our dataset and calculate the proportion of individuals within that range. This information will help us understand the age demographics of our workforce and assist in designing targeted programs or initiatives, if necessary.

6. Probability of Overall Job Satisfaction Being 5.2 or Lower:
By examining the distribution of overall job satisfaction scores, we can determine the proportion of individuals who have scores of 5.2 or lower. This probability provides insights into the level of overall job dissatisfaction within our organization and can help identify areas that require attention or improvement.

7. Probability of Being a Female in the Human Resources Department:
To calculate the probability of an individual being a female within the human resources department, we can compare the number of females in that department to the total number of individuals in the dataset. This probability will offer insights into the gender composition of our human resources department and support diversity and inclusion efforts.

8. Probability of Being a Salaried Employee with Intrinsic Satisfaction Value of 5 or More:
By analyzing the distribution of employee types (salaried vs. non-salaried) and intrinsic satisfaction values, we can calculate the probability of an individual being a salaried employee with an intrinsic satisfaction value of 5 or more. This probability will assist us in understanding the prevalence of higher job satisfaction among salaried employees and inform decisions related to compensation and rewards.

I hope that this email provides a comprehensive overview of our database and highlights the significance of statistics in contributing to our organization's success. If you require any further information or assistance with the aforementioned analysis, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your time and attention.


[Your Name]
[Your Designation/Department]