If a company is thinking of giving one department a 1000 bonus. Based on their means and standard deviation scores which set of employess will do better based on this information? Who should get the bonus?

Employee A mean 16.875 standard deviation 4.45413
Employee B mean 12.375 standard deviation 7.55811

To determine which set of employees will do better based on the given information, we need to compare the means and standard deviations of Employee A and Employee B.

1. Calculating the mean difference:
The mean for Employee A is 16.875, and the mean for Employee B is 12.375. Therefore, the mean difference is 16.875 - 12.375 = 4.5.

2. Calculating the standard deviation difference:
The standard deviation for Employee A is 4.45413, and the standard deviation for Employee B is 7.55811. Therefore, the standard deviation difference is 4.45413 - 7.55811 = -3.10398.

3. Analyzing the results:
Considering the mean difference, Employee A has a higher mean than Employee B, suggesting that, on average, Employee A performs better.

Regarding the standard deviation difference, Employee A has a lower standard deviation than Employee B, indicating that Employee A's performance tends to be more consistent.

Based on the given information, Employee A has a higher mean and a lower standard deviation, indicating better overall performance compared to Employee B.

Therefore, Employee A should be given the bonus.