what happens to solids,liquids,and gases when they are heated?

Liquids evaporate
Gases evaporate
And it depends on what kind of soloid it is

Gasses Don't e-vapor-ate, they are already vapor.

They all expand. (As the molecules move faster, they move apart from one another.)

When solids, liquids, and gases are heated, their behavior and physical properties can change.

1. Solids: When heated, some solids undergo a phase change called melting. This is when the solid becomes a liquid. The temperature at which this occurs is called the melting point. Each solid has a specific melting point due to the unique arrangement of its atoms or molecules. However, not all solids melt. Some undergo sublimation, where they go directly from a solid to a gas without becoming a liquid.

2. Liquids: When liquids are heated, they can undergo a process called evaporation. Evaporation occurs when the molecules of a liquid gain enough energy to escape the attractive forces holding them together and enter the gas phase. The temperature at which this occurs is called the boiling point, and it varies for different liquids.

3. Gases: Gases are already in the gas phase, so they cannot evaporate further. However, when gases are heated, their molecules gain more kinetic energy, causing them to move faster and increase in volume. This expansion is due to the increased spacing between the gas molecules as they move apart from one another.

To obtain more specific information about the behavior of different substances when heated, it is important to refer to their melting points, boiling points, and phase diagrams. These values can be found in scientific literature, textbooks, or online resources.