Can you give me a 6th grade sentence using the word calico,and a sentence using the word bravado please! ! !

Laura's great grandmother usually wore a calico house dress.

This site has examples of sentences using bravado.

Sure! Here are two sentences that use the words "calico" and "bravado":

1. Sentence using "calico":
I saw a cute calico kitten playing in the garden.

To find a suitable sentence using the word "calico," you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the meaning of the word: "Calico" refers to a type of fabric that is often brightly colored and has a pattern of different colors and shapes.
2. Think about a simple scenario or context that a 6th grader can relate to, like seeing a kitten or being in a garden.
3. Combine the context with the meaning of "calico" and write a sentence that includes both.

2. Sentence using "bravado":
He acted with bravado, pretending not to be scared in front of his friends.

To construct a sentence with the word "bravado," you can use the following steps:

1. Understand the meaning of the word: "Bravado" refers to a bold, fearless behavior displayed to mask one's fear or insecurity.
2. Think about a situation where someone might act with bravado, such as being in front of friends and trying to hide their fear.
3. Construct a sentence that includes this context and the meaning of "bravado."

Remember, using a dictionary or an online resource can be helpful when looking for the meaning and correct usage of words.