I need to give example of these verbs when followed by the gerund or the infinitive. I hope you can help me.

1) She missed being run over by a lorry.
She excepted ... (I can't find a good example)
2) She failed to answer all the questions.
3) She tends to forget things.
She took part in answering the questions.
4) She interfered with Brian's speaking about the accident (I can't find an example).
5) The result depends on answering (??) all the questions.

2 - 5 are all fine.

1 seems strange. Do you mean she was not hit by the lorry?

Certainly! I can help you with that.

1) The verb "except" is not often followed by a gerund. Instead, it is usually followed by the preposition "for" and then a noun or pronoun. Here's an example:
- She excepted his apology.

2) The verb "fail" can be followed by either the gerund or the infinitive. Here are examples of both:
- She failed to answer all the questions. (infinitive)
- She failed answering all the questions. (gerund)

3) The verb "tend" is usually followed by the infinitive. Here's an example:
- She tends to forget things.

4) The verb "interfere" is typically followed by the preposition "with" and then a gerund or a noun. Here's an example using a gerund:
- She interfered with Brian's speaking about the accident.

5) The verb "depend" is usually followed by the preposition "on" and then a noun or gerund. Here's an example using a gerund:
- The result depends on answering all the questions.

I hope these examples help clarify how the verbs can be used with either a gerund or an infinitive. If you have further questions, feel free to ask!