An ostrich runs north in a straight line for 21 meters. She then turns around and runs 25 meters back toward her nest (south) on the same path. What is her displacement?

What is i.p.c. supposed to mean?

21 - 25 = -4.

I used positive numbers for north displacement , so the minus sign means it ends up 4 meters south

To find the ostrich's displacement, we need to determine the straight-line distance and direction from her starting point to her ending point. Displacement is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

In this scenario, the ostrich's starting point is the same as her ending point (her nest). As she runs north for 21 meters and then turns around and runs back south for 25 meters, her final position is the same as her initial position.

Since the ostrich ends up where she started, her displacement is zero. This means that she did not move in any particular direction from her nest.

Therefore, her displacement is 0 meters, and there is no specific direction associated with it.