Which of the following conditions may occur if a person often abruptly stops an intense cardio workout without cooling down?

A. Hypertension and diabetes

B. Stroke and insomnia

C. Irregular heartbeat and arrhythmia

D. Aneurysm and heart attack

i think its c?

Which of the following conditions may occur if a person often abruptly stops an intense cardiac workout without cooling down?

You are correct. The correct answer is C. Irregular heartbeat and arrhythmia.

When a person abruptly stops an intense cardio workout without cooling down, it can lead to sudden changes in heart rate and blood pressure. The sudden cessation of exercise can cause the heart rate to drop rapidly, which can lead to irregular heartbeats or arrhythmia.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the concept of cooling down after an intense cardio workout. Cooling down involves gradually decreasing the intensity of exercise and allowing the heart rate to return to its resting rate. This gradual transition allows the body to slowly adjust to the reduced demand for oxygen and helps prevent sudden changes in heart rate and blood pressure.

By eliminating the other options:
A. Hypertension and diabetes: While intense exercise can be a risk factor for hypertension and diabetes, abruptly stopping a workout without cooling down is not directly associated with these conditions.
B. Stroke and insomnia: Abruptly stopping a workout without cooling down is not directly linked to an increased risk of stroke or insomnia.
D. Aneurysm and heart attack: While intense exercise can increase the risk of a heart attack or aneurysm in some cases, stopping an intense cardio workout without cooling down may not directly cause these conditions to occur.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Irregular heartbeat and arrhythmia.