an insect flies 20 ft. in 1 s. how fast does the insect fly in miles per hour? round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.

Figure out how many feet in a mile we will call that x

figure out how many seconds in an hour we will call that y

20y=how many feet in an hour and divide by x that will give you mph

a flying insect flies at 42 miles per hour. If it continues this rate, how far will it fly in 20 minutes?

To find the speed of the insect in miles per hour, we first need to convert the given distance from feet to miles, and the given time from seconds to hours.

Converting 20 feet to miles:
1 mile = 5280 feet
Therefore, 20 feet is equal to 20/5280 miles, which simplifies to 0.00378788 miles (rounded to seven decimal places).

Converting 1 second to hours:
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
Therefore, 1 second is equal to 1/60/60 hours, which simplifies to 0.00027777 hours (rounded to seven decimal places).

Now that we have the distance in miles (0.00378788) and the time in hours (0.00027777), we can find the speed in miles per hour by dividing the distance by the time.

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 0.00378788 miles / 0.00027777 hours
Speed ≈ 13.65089 miles per hour (rounded to five decimal places)

Therefore, the insect flies at approximately 13.65 miles per hour.