what do you do at the National Junior

Honor Society Induction Ceremony?

Is it when the pricpals and staff tells your parents what it is a congrats the students who was chosen (celbrate) and give out the certifcates to them?

IM just curious because at my school i saw pictures of the NJHS and their Induction Ceremony

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Thank You!!!!

This is w a s little more time with you doing tonight or tomorrow I all time

It is really boring everybody just wears hot stuffy clothes and talks about stuff and things. I sort of zoned out and fell asleep and then woke up to my mom shaking me awake to go onstage. :$

At the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) Induction Ceremony, several activities typically take place to celebrate and recognize the new inductees. Here's a general overview of what happens at such a ceremony:

1. Opening Remarks: The ceremony usually begins with a welcome speech from the NJHS advisor or a school representative, recognizing the importance of the occasion and setting the tone for the event.

2. Lighting of Candles: Symbolically, candles are lit to represent the pillars of NJHS, which are scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. Each pillar is usually explained as the corresponding candle is lit.

3. Presentation of Certificates: The new NJHS members are usually called up individually to the stage and presented with their NJHS membership certificates. This is a moment of celebration and recognition for their accomplishments.

4. Pledge and Induction: This is a crucial part of the ceremony, where the new members pledge to uphold the values of NJHS and fulfill their responsibilities. They may recite the NJHS pledge together or individually.

5. Speeches or Inspirational Presentations: To inspire the new inductees, there might be speeches from honored guests, current NJHS members, or alumni, highlighting the importance of the NJHS principles and the impact they can have on their school and community.

6. Closing Remarks: The ceremony usually concludes with closing remarks, emphasizing the significance of being an NJHS member and encouraging the new inductees to make a positive difference in their surroundings.

It's important to note that specific details may vary depending on the school and its traditions. To get more accurate information regarding your specific NJHS Induction Ceremony, it is recommended to reach out to your NJHS advisor or school administration for a detailed schedule or agenda.