make a tally chart for the number of students in the third,fourth,and fifth grade classes:26,25,27,27,26,28,27

What is your question?

jull said that an angle is made of two rays Is she correct.explein

write an expression for situation...

15 more than q

make a tally chart for the number of students in the third,fourth,and fifth grade classes:26,25,27,27,26,28,27

To create a tally chart for the number of students in the third, fourth, and fifth grade classes, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a table with two columns. The first column will represent the number of students in each grade, and the second column will contain the tally marks.

Grade | Tally
Third |
Fourth |
Fifth |

2. Look at the numbers you provided: 26, 25, 27, 27, 26, 28, and 27.

3. Begin with the third grade class. Since there are 26 students, draw five vertical lines to represent the number 5. After the fifth line, draw a diagonal line across all five lines. This represents 1 (each diagonal line represents 1) tally mark.

Grade | Tally
Third | ||||
Fourth |
Fifth |

4. Repeat the process for the other numbers. 25 students would have five vertical lines and another diagonal line crossed through them.

Grade | Tally
Third | |||| /
Fourth | ||||
Fifth |

5. Continue tallying the remaining numbers in the same manner. For 27, draw four vertical lines and a diagonal line.

Grade | Tally
Third | |||| /
Fourth | ||||
Fifth | ||||

6. Next, there are two occurrences of 27, so add another set of four vertical lines and a diagonal line.

Grade | Tally
Third | |||| /
Fourth | ||||
Fifth | |||| /

7. For 26, add another set of five vertical lines and a diagonal line.

Grade | Tally
Third | |||| /
Fourth | |||| /
Fifth | |||| /
|||| |
|||| /

8. Lastly, for 28, add six vertical lines and a diagonal line.

Grade | Tally
Third | |||| /
Fourth | |||| /
Fifth | |||| /
|||| |
|||| /
|||| |

You have now successfully created a tally chart representing the number of students in the third, fourth, and fifth grade classes.