The majority of states that did not ratify the Equal Rights Amendment were located in the

A. Midwest.

B. Southeast.

C. Northeast.

D. West.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

i think its b is this correct?

or a ?

Read carefully, and let us know.

southeast ?

Yes, it seems so.

To find the answer to this question, we need to research the states that did not ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and where they are located.

The Equal Rights Amendment was a proposed constitutional amendment in the United States that aimed to guarantee equal rights under the law for both men and women. It was passed by the US Congress in 1972 and required ratification by three-fourths (or 38) of the 50 states to be added to the Constitution.

To determine which states did not ratify the ERA, we can consult reliable sources such as government records, historical documents, or established research institutions. A quick search reveals that five states did not ratify the ERA: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, and Georgia.

Now, let's analyze the options provided:
A. Midwest: The Midwest consists of 12 states. However, none of the states mentioned (Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, and Georgia) are located in the Midwest.
B. Southeast: The Southeast includes states like Alabama, Florida, and Georgia—all of which did not ratify the ERA. This could potentially be the correct answer.
C. Northeast: The Northeast consists of 11 states, but none of the non-ratifying states are located in this region.
D. West: While the West is another region in the United States, none of the non-ratifying states (Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, and Georgia) are located in the West.

Considering the above analysis, we can deduce that the correct answer is B. Southeast, as the majority of states that did not ratify the Equal Rights Amendment are located in that region.