In the election of 1860, the _______ won the electoral votes of all the free states, except a fraction of the New Jersey votes.

A. Constitutional Union Party

B. Republicans

C. Democrats

D. Whigs,_1860

Is it democrats?

i need help please is it democrats or republicans?

In which party was Abraham Lincoln?


is that correct?

Yes. Lincoln was a Republican.

Thank you. :)

You're welcome.

The correct answer is B. Republicans. To arrive at this answer, we need to know some background information about the election of 1860 and the political parties that were involved.

The election of 1860 was a significant event in American history because it ultimately led to the outbreak of the Civil War. Four major candidates ran for president: Stephen A. Douglas from the northern faction of the Democratic Party, John C. Breckinridge from the southern faction of the Democratic Party, John Bell representing the Constitutional Union Party, and Abraham Lincoln representing the newly formed Republican Party.

The Republican Party at that time had a strong anti-slavery stance, and their platform appealed to voters in the free states of the North who were against the expansion of slavery into the western territories. They believed that slavery should not be allowed to expand any further.

In the election of 1860, the Republicans were able to gather the electoral votes of all the free states, except for a fraction of the votes from New Jersey. This means that they won the electoral votes of these states, which ultimately contributed to Lincoln's victory in the election.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Republicans.