One of the arguments against inherited racial differences in intelligence is based on data that shows:

a. a college education reduces the gap between the IQ scores of white and black races.
b. nutrition reduces the gap.
c. scores for black test takers improve as they mature.
d. white test takers plateau at about 35 years of age.

From what I read and understood I think it is a or c.


I would choose A.

To determine the correct answer, let's examine the options provided and their implications.

a. A college education reduces the gap between the IQ scores of white and black races. This option suggests that the education level plays a role in reducing the intelligence gap between different racial groups. To validate this claim, one would need to analyze data regarding individuals' IQ scores before and after attaining a college education.

c. Scores for black test takers improve as they mature. This option implies that black individuals' test scores tend to increase as they grow older. This claim can be examined by analyzing data from test results obtained by black individuals at different ages.

To find the answer, we need to identify which of these options aligns with the arguments against inherited racial differences in intelligence.

Option a suggests that education has a significant impact on reducing the intelligence gap between races, while option c implies that maturity is a contributing factor to improved test scores among black individuals.

To determine which option is correct, we need to look for evidence that supports one of these claims.

The best approach would be to conduct research or analyze existing studies that investigate the influence of education on IQ scores and the improvement of test scores among black individuals as they mature. Looking at academic journals, publications, or credible sources related to intelligence and racial differences could provide relevant information.

Once you have gathered evidence to support either claim, you can then determine which option is the correct answer.