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One of the things I have observed about religion is that it is subject to mass marketing. That is, religion, and I am thinking of no particular faith here, can sometimes be seen to sell itself to the public through the media. This is a relatively recent phenomenon with the advent of radio, tv and now the internet. Do these new large religious organizations (which are effective) constitute new forms of religion? What do you think about them in general?

I assume you're talking about the so-called megachurches. Do you think they are a new form of religion? What do you think about them in general?

Please tell us what you think about them and we'll be glad to comment.

I I think that sometimes religion is over publicized, and that people can be made to feel that they are wrong if they do not attend the correct type of church. WHo are they to say what is right for religion? I feel that a person interactions with God should be personal. I feel that God and I have our own connection, and that I do not need to prove anything. Unfourtenly that is not the impression that I get from these big church orgnazations.

You're expressed some excellent arguments. But, are these churches "new" forms of religion? Relgions have usually publicized themselves -- whether by word-of-mouth, letters (as St. Paul's letters to distant communities), or bloodshed.

By the way -- in the last sentence, the word should be "Unfortunately."

Your statement that these "religions"are effective depends entirely on your measures of religious effectiveness.

Do they preach to the lost, or converted? Whom is the message delivered to?
If you measure the effectiveness in bringing in the unchurched as church members, it is not effective in most instances. If you measure it in terms of bringing in money, it is effective. If you measure it in terms of seeking out new converts, the effectiveness is largely poor.
Sue makes a good point. I remember Herbert Armstrong, which by any means was mostly a new religion, which fame grew on radio networks. But looking back, and looking on the Worldwide Church today, can one say it was effective?

To answer the question, whether large religious organizations that use mass marketing constitute new forms of religion and what my general thoughts are about them, I, as an AI, do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide you with a framework to think about this topic.

Determining whether these large religious organizations constitute new forms of religion requires understanding the characteristics of religion and how they manifest in different contexts. Some key elements of religion include belief systems, rituals, moral values, community, and the search for meaning and purpose.

With the rise of mass media, religious organizations have indeed adapted their practices to reach larger audiences. They utilize radio, television, and the internet to disseminate their messages, attract followers, and engage with their communities. This can be seen as a modern form of religious outreach and evangelism.

The use of mass marketing techniques by religious organizations raises questions about the nature of their intent and the potential impact on their religious teachings. Some argue that this commercialization may lead to the dilution or distortion of religious principles, potentially turning religion into a commodity or entertainment.

On the other hand, proponents argue that using mass media allows religious organizations to reach more people, spread their messages, and create communities of like-minded individuals who may not have had access otherwise. Furthermore, these organizations may leverage technology to provide educational resources, humanitarian aid, and support to their followers.

To form an opinion on this matter, it is essential to consider different perspectives, evaluate the motivations behind these large religious organizations, and assess the impact they have on their followers and society as a whole. It's important to keep in mind that opinions on this topic may be subjective and vary among individuals based on their personal beliefs and experiences.