7. The lost of flying by the beetle is most probably the result of

(1) predators eating the beetles’ wings
(2) beetles not using their wings
(3) genetic changes in the beetles
(4) lack of vegetation for the beetle to feed on

IS THE Answer 3


To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

(1) Predators eating the beetles' wings: This option suggests that the loss of flying by the beetles is caused by predators eating their wings. However, the question implies that the beetles have lost the ability to fly, not that their wings are being physically removed. Therefore, this option is not the most probable cause.

(2) Beetles not using their wings: This option implies that the beetles have wings but simply choose not to use them. However, if the beetles have lost the ability to fly, it is unlikely that they are voluntarily not using their wings. Therefore, this option is not the most probable cause either.

(3) Genetic changes in the beetles: This option suggests that the loss of flying by the beetles is a result of genetic changes. This could mean that due to genetic mutations or adaptations, the beetles have gradually lost the ability to fly. Given the context of the question, this option is a plausible explanation.

(4) Lack of vegetation for the beetle to feed on: This option implies that the beetles have lost the ability to fly due to a lack of food. However, the question does not mention any relation between the loss of flying and food availability. Without this connection, it is unlikely that the lack of vegetation is the most probable cause.

Considering all the options, option (3) - genetic changes in the beetles - is the most likely answer.