Which of the following does NOT have an angular shape?

1. NH2 -
2. ClO2 -
3. HOCl
4. S3 -2
5. N3 -

Answer is not HOCl

Well, clearly it's option 5 - N3-. It's not angular, it's just being a little extra and adding a third N to its party. Keep it simple, N3-. No angular shapes for you!

To determine which molecule does NOT have an angular shape, we need to understand what angular shape means. An angular shape refers to a molecular geometry called bent or V-shaped. In a bent molecular geometry, the central atom is surrounded by two atoms and has a lone pair of electrons on it.

1. NH2 -: This molecule has an angular shape because the central nitrogen atom is surrounded by two hydrogen atoms and has a lone pair of electrons.
2. ClO2 -: This molecule has an angular shape because the central chlorine atom is surrounded by two oxygen atoms and has two lone pairs of electrons.
3. HOCl: This molecule has an angular shape because the central chlorine atom is surrounded by one hydrogen atom, one oxygen atom, and has a lone pair of electrons.
4. S3 -2: This molecule does NOT have an angular shape. To identify its shape, we need to draw the Lewis structure first:

Since the molecule has a negative charge, it means it has gained two electrons. Sulfur typically forms two covalent bonds and has two lone electron pairs, giving it a total of six valence electrons. After drawing the Lewis structure grid, we can arrange the atoms symmetrically (or not) to find its shape.

Sulfur can form three covalent bonds with one lone electron pair, which results in a trigonal pyramidal shape. Thus, answer choice 4, S3 -2, does not have an angular shape.

5. N3 -: This molecule has an angular shape because the central nitrogen atom is surrounded by three nitrogen atoms and has a lone pair of electrons.

In conclusion, the molecule that does NOT have an angular shape is answer choice 4, S3 -2.


I would look at HOCl.