1 15-4.10-14

2 9x-18=54 x=

3 Multiply 8/9(b-72)

4 Solve using the multiplication principle -10x=260
solution for x=

5 Multiply 3.(-5.(-3).(-10)=

1. Needs to be clarified.

2. 9x - 18 = 54,
9x = 54 + 18,
9x = 72,
X = 8.

3. 8/9(b-72) =
8b/9 - 64


5. 3(-5)(-3)(-10) = -450.

1. To solve 15-4.10-14, start by performing the multiplication: 4 * 10 = 40. Next, subtract 40 from 15 to get the answer: 15 - 40 = -25.

2. To solve the equation 9x - 18 = 54 for x, start by isolating the variable x. Add 18 to both sides of the equation: 9x - 18 + 18 = 54 + 18. This simplifies to 9x = 72. Next, divide both sides of the equation by 9: 9x/9 = 72/9. This results in x = 8.

3. To multiply 8/9 by (b - 72), you can distribute the 8/9 to both terms inside the parentheses: (8/9)(b) - (8/9)(72). Simplify this to (8b/9) - (576/9). Combine the two terms by subtracting the fractions: (8b - 576)/9.

4. To solve the equation -10x = 260 using the multiplication principle, start by dividing both sides of the equation by -10: -10x/-10 = 260/-10. This simplifies to x = -26. So the solution for x is -26.

5. To multiply 3, -5, -3, and -10, start by multiplying the first two numbers together: 3 * -5 = -15. Next, multiply the product with the next number: -15 * -3 = 45. Finally, multiply the result by the last number: 45 * -10 = -450. So the product of 3, -5, -3, and -10 is -450.