A block of mass m is held against a spring of spring constant k which is compressed a distance Ax.

On the shaded region (d = 2 m), there is a coefficient of kinetic friction = 0.3 microcontroller, which then applies the
rest of the course takes place without friction. The loop has a radius r. If m = 0.4 kg, k = 175 N / m, Dx = 0.28 m and
r = 0.7 m:
a) Calculate the standard applied by the loop on the block when it is at the top of the loop.
b) Calculate the modulus of the speed of the block at point P, that is to say, just before leaving the track.
c) Calculate the horizontal distance R that will cross the block.
d) What is the kinetic energy of the block when it reaches its maximum height?

To solve this problem, we can break it down into multiple steps:

Step 1: Calculate the maximum compression distance of the spring.
Step 2: Calculate the height the block will reach at the top of the loop.
Step 3: Calculate the net force acting on the block when it is at the top of the loop.
Step 4: Calculate the speed of the block just before leaving the track.
Step 5: Calculate the horizontal distance the block will travel before hitting the ground.
Step 6: Calculate the kinetic energy of the block at its maximum height.

Let's solve each step one by one:

Step 1: Calculate the maximum compression distance of the spring.
Using Hooke's Law, the force applied by the spring is given by F = -k * Ax. We need to find the maximum value of Ax, denoted as Ax_max. To find it, set the gravitational force equal to the spring force:
mg = k * Ax_max
Ax_max = mg / k

Step 2: Calculate the height the block will reach at the top of the loop.
When the block reaches the top of the loop, it loses contact with the track. It means the normal force becomes zero, and the net force is equal to the gravitational force.
Assuming the block does not lose contact with the track at the top of the loop, the gravitational force provides the centripetal force needed for circular motion. Therefore:
mg = m * g + m * (v^2 / r), where v is the speed of the block at the top of the loop.
Simplifying the equation:
mg = m (g + v^2/r)
Solving for v:
v = sqrt(r * g)

Step 3: Calculate the net force acting on the block when it is at the top of the loop.
Since there is a coefficient of kinetic friction on the shaded region, the net force is given by:
F_net = m * (g - mu * g) = m * g * (1 - mu), where mu is the coefficient of kinetic friction.
Since there is no friction after the shaded region, the net force becomes equal to the gravitational force: F_net = m * g.

Step 4: Calculate the speed of the block just before leaving the track.
At point P, the block just loses contact with the track, so the normal force becomes zero, and the net force is only provided by gravity:
mg = m * g
The net force is equal to the centripetal force at this point:
m * g = m * (v_P^2 / r), where v_P is the speed of the block at point P.
Simplifying the equation:
v_P = sqrt(r * g)

Step 5: Calculate the horizontal distance the block will travel before hitting the ground.
To calculate the horizontal distance traveled by the block, we need to find the total time it takes for the block to reach the ground from the maximum height. The time can be found using the equation:
h = (1/2) * g * t^2, where h is the maximum height.
Solving for t:
t = sqrt((2 * h) / g)
The horizontal distance is given by:
R = v_P * t

Step 6: Calculate the kinetic energy of the block at its maximum height.
The kinetic energy of the block can be calculated using the equation:
KE = (1/2) * m * v^2, where v is the velocity of the block.
As the block reaches its maximum height, v = 0, so the kinetic energy is zero.

Now, let's substitute the given values into the equations and calculate the requested quantities:

Given values:
m = 0.4 kg (mass of the block)
k = 175 N/m (spring constant)
Ax = 0.28 m (compression distance)
r = 0.7 m (radius of the loop)
mu = 0.3 (coefficient of kinetic friction)

Step 1:
Ax_max = (0.4 kg * 9.8 m/s^2) / (175 N/m) = 0.022 m

Step 2:
v = sqrt(0.7 m * 9.8 m/s^2) = 2.415 m/s

Step 3:
F_net = 0.4 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * (1 - 0.3) = 2.744 N

Step 4:
v_P = sqrt(0.7 m * 9.8 m/s^2) = 2.415 m/s

Step 5:
h = Ax_max + r = 0.022 m + 0.7 m = 0.722 m
t = sqrt((2 * 0.722 m) / 9.8 m/s^2) = 0.394 s
R = 2.415 m/s * 0.394 s = 0.952 m

Step 6:
KE = 0 J (at maximum height, the block's velocity is zero)

a) The standard applied by the loop on the block when it is at the top of the loop is 2.744 N.
b) The modulus of the speed of the block at point P, just before leaving the track, is 2.415 m/s.
c) The horizontal distance R that the block will cross is 0.952 m.
d) The kinetic energy of the block when it reaches its maximum height is 0 J.

To solve the given problem, we will break it down into smaller steps.

Step 1: Calculate the force applied by the compressed spring.
The force applied by the compressed spring can be calculated using Hooke's Law: F = k * x, where F is the force, k is the spring constant, and x is the compression distance.
Given that k = 175 N/m and Δx = 0.28 m, we can calculate the force applied by the spring:
F = (175 N/m) * (0.28 m) = 49 N

Step 2: Calculate the normal force and the frictional force at point P.
At point P, the block is moving in a circular path, experiencing centripetal force. The vertical force components will be balanced, and the normal force (N) will be equal to the weight of the block.
N = mg, where m is the mass of the block (0.4 kg) and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2).
N = (0.4 kg) * (9.8 m/s^2) = 3.92 N

The frictional force (f) can be calculated using the equation: f = μN, where μ is the coefficient of kinetic friction (0.3) and N is the normal force.
f = (0.3) * (3.92 N) = 1.176 N

Step 3: Calculate the total force at point P.
The total force at point P is the sum of the tangential force (force applied by the spring) and the frictional force.
Total force (Ft) = F - f = 49 N - 1.176 N = 47.824 N

Step 4: Calculate the acceleration at point P.
The acceleration (a) at point P can be calculated using the equation: a = Ft / m, where Ft is the total force at point P and m is the mass of the block.
a = (47.824 N) / (0.4 kg) = 119.56 m/s^2

Step 5: Calculate the velocity at point P.
The velocity (v) at point P can be calculated using the equation: v = √(r * a), where r is the radius of the loop and a is the acceleration at point P.
Given that r = 0.7 m, we can calculate the velocity:
v = √(0.7 m * 119.56 m/s^2) ≈ 9.29 m/s

a) Therefore, the magnitude of the resultant applied force by the loop on the block when it is at the top of the loop is approximately 9.29 N.

Step 6: Calculate the horizontal distance traveled (R).
At the top of the loop, the gravitational force provides the centripetal force, so we can equate these two forces to solve for R.
mg = m * v^2 / R, where R is the horizontal distance.
R = v^2 / g = (9.29 m/s)^2 / 9.8 m/s^2 ≈ 8.793 m

b) Therefore, the modulus of the velocity of the block at point P is approximately 9.29 m/s.

Step 7: Calculate the kinetic energy at the maximum height.
The maximum height is achieved when the block reaches its highest point after leaving the loop. At this point, the block has only potential energy and no kinetic energy.
The potential energy at the maximum height can be calculated using the equation: PE = mgh, where m is the mass of the block, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height.
Since the block started from the ground, the height of the maximum point is Dx = 0.28 m.
PE = (0.4 kg) * (9.8 m/s^2) * (0.28 m)

c) Therefore, the kinetic energy of the block when it reaches its maximum height is approximately 1.0928 J.

Note: In the given problem, the term "microcontroller" should be "μ" for the coefficient of kinetic friction.